With Pro version you get extra features (custom fan presets), priority customer support and confidence in future updates and improvements. Under "Control" click "Custom" and you can then use a slider to change the fan control on your Mac".Launch the app and you will then have access to the fans and be able to see the temperatures of the components inside your Mac.Download and install Macs Fan Control from MacUpdate.Works on all Macs, both Intel & Apple Silicon.To control your computer fan speed, just go to the. Solve noise problems such as those caused by iMac HDD replacement Once you open the app, youll see all the fans on one side of the panel and components on the other side.
Solve overheating problems like those found on a MacBook Pro.Real-time monitoring of fan speeds and temperatures.Home/ Utilities & tools/ Fan Speed Setting. Control fan speed in relation to a temperature sensor (e.g., 3rd party HDD) System temperature, Fan speed and setting You must use the companys notebook products to use this tool function.This option may vary but you can always find system fan speed control settings. Set any constant value to any fan (e.g., minimum) Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to locate Fan Speed Control options.Download the latest archive Extract to the desired installation folder Start FanControl.exe (Optional) -c or -config json config file command line arg.

Subsequent to its streamlined installation process. This is the release repository for Fan Control, a focused and highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.